
Eduard Serga. The atomic nucleus theory. New ideas and results. Verlag “Lambert Aca-demic Publishing”. Saarbrücken. 2017. ISBN: 978-3-330-07652-5. – 98 p.

Eduard Serga. The atomic nucleus theory. New ideas and results. Verlag “Lambert Aca-demic Publishing”. Saarbrücken. 2017. ISBN: 978-3-330-07652-5. – 98 p.

300 р.
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Fundamental ideas of the author's theory are: intra-nuclear gravity; intra-nuclear fusion (neutrons' redoing into other particles); the presence of negative nuclear field' mass component (equivalent to nuclear fitld' energy); the insolvency of the nuclear forces' hipothesis; the intra-nuclear fusion reactions' likcing with nuclear radioactivity. Nuclear reactions are marced only by the change of nuclear field' mass component, whereas nuclear matter' mass remains unchanged. The author's helion-hidrogen model has no the main defect of existing models - the uncertainty about relation between necleus structure fnd propertie. Nuclei consist of protons and electron grouping into nuclear particles, which are (as in Pauling's model). The author's new results are: base equations of nucleus structure; development os structure-mass analiysis method for definition the most stable nucleus structure; new isotopes theory explanding isomerism, stability of magic nuclei  and and heavy nuclei' ability to the decaying; new theory of neutron and deuteron constructions. The book has for readers interesting in new ideas of nuclear physics.

Eduard Serga. The atomic nucleus theory. New ideas and results. Verlag “Lambert Aca-demic Publishing”. Saarbrücken. 2017. ISBN: 978-3-330-07652-5. – 98 p.
Eduard Serga. The atomic nucleus theory. New ideas and results. Verlag “Lambert Aca-demic Publishing”. Saarbrücken. 2017. ISBN: 978-3-330-07652-5. – 98 p.
Eduard Serga. The atomic nucleus theory. New ideas and results. Verlag “Lambert Aca-demic Publishing”. Saarbrücken. 2017. ISBN: 978-3-330-07652-5. – 98 p.

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